Monday, October 29, 2007

this time last year... Friday, December 22, 2006

Around this time last yearI was in sweet salone without a fear
My 'refer inhilation' makes it all not so badGo to work, smoke, and sleep-then I'm not so mad

I was at the beach coaxing lemon and salt seasoned clams out of their habitats
Who knew a year later I'd be home alone for christmas with two dogs and a cat
My jamba consumption makes it all not so badGo to work, smoke, and sleep-then I'm not so mad.

Sounds like a presciription for cardiovascular disease
But hey as long as the boys still find me to be a tease.
My ganja habit makes it all not so badGo to work, smoke, and sleep-then I'm not so mad

I thougt the feelings were mutual but I must've been wrong
Fuck that no use crying, instead i'll light this bong!
My 'refer inhilation' makes it all not so badGo to work, smoke, and sleep-then I'm not so mad!

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