Monday, October 29, 2007

So, I got stood up today...I'm an artist/I'm too sensitive for this shit!

So, I got stood up for my lunch date'm not even feeling any type of way, all I can do is laugh...Why is it that men make it a point to inconvenience and piss you off at the same time?...If my limits are being tested...I'm not in the FUCKING MOOD!!!...It's the holiday season!....This is the shit I'm talking about.

I was minding my own business and you interrupted my life. Just to bring more chaos to it.why does one suggest an activity SMACK DAB (and yes I said "SMACKDAB"...that's just the kind of mood I'm in right now.)in the MIDDLE of one's and confirm...even go as far to ask if one is dressed yet...then proceed to inform the other that they will be calling them in 30mins and to be ready...and 2 hours or should I say 2 1/2 hours later since that call. here i am . blogging!where's the weed man!?! See this one of the many reasons i inhale that refer! If I didn't I'd be one pissed off BITCH. I'm an artist, I'm too sensitive for this shit called "romance and relationships"...where the fuck is the romance? standing someone up is definitely not is, however, a great way to end something that hasn't even started.

oh my tortured soul!!!! lol :)

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