Monday, October 29, 2007

It's so lonely in the darkroom..

six hours later and only three good prints. I want more. There's so much more that I see, is it my camera that's failing me? I wanted so much more. I want to give up...go's already after 10pm...but I think there's still hope for negative ..17...If I just dodge the bottom half for for a good 15 seconds...and leave the apperature at eight...fuck's been six hours...I'm already tardy...oh well one more won't hurt...

when I reach home...its after friends are already out and enjoying their youth...if I hurry, I can make feet hurt...damned dark room... all damn day...I'm 20...I'm bitter...why don't I have a "FULL" life...but more importantly...why do my feet hurt?...and then my heart..

it's so lonely in the darkroom, and that's what my world has become...a little darkroom with damaged filters and equiptment from the eighties. But don't cry for me...the darkroom loves me and I am it's inamorata...It brings out my best and brings "ME" out...isolated me...yes...but at the same time exposed me}:i:{

*throughout this blog you may have heard little innuendoes to photographical terms, all puns were intended:)

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