Tuesday, November 17, 2009

So I Put a New Hole in My Nose

about three months ago i pierced my nose for the first time. i hated it. the poor thing looked like a booger on the side of my nose. plus it made me look like a trash bucket. i was not feeling it at ALL!...the problem was that i tried to control the situation. you see, i originally wated a hoop so i told homeboy making the housecall (looongstory) to pierce my nose a little lower than traditional because i didn't want the hoop taking over my entire nostril. it was too low and stuck out on the widest part of my nose. i lied and said i liked it. 20 minutes later it was out and i was sending a text politely asking for a redo. ::giggles:: :o)

fast forward to last thursday. homeboy made another housecall and this time i promised to embrace my inner hippie and just go with the flow. low and behold homie pierces the damned thing in the same spot! explaining that because i wanted a hoop it would have to be lower...blah blah blah....so this is was the end result:
bump that fake ass diamond stud...i won't be satisfied until i get my hoop!!!

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